
Independent Assessors

This page sets out information regarding the appointment of Independent Assessors to support the Chair of the Lampard Inquiry. It includes:

  • purpose of Independent Assessors;
  • information on the process the Chair and Inquiry Secretariat will take to identify and appoint Independent Assessors; and
  • the criteria that will be used to select suitable individuals.

Should you have any questions on the below, please email



Purpose of Independent Assessors

The role of an Independent Assessor is to provide advice and subject area knowledge to the Chair of an inquiry. Assessors are experts in their own field who provide expert knowledge, often on a recurring basis and as part of the Inquiry team, to help the Chair meet the Terms of Reference.

The purpose of such assessors within the Lampard Inquiry will include (but not be limited to):

  • Supporting the Chair from a clinical perspective in her work, for example providing advice and information on particular clinical topics within their expertise.
  • Undertaking relevant investigative work with the Inquiry team and informing decision making where appropriate. This may include providing a clinical expert view on whether care within any cases being investigated was safe and appropriate, and how care could have been improved.
  • Providing advice and support regarding recommendations for the Chair’s final report.

At the discretion of the Chair, where expert opinion is central to a key issue to be determined or recommendation to be made, she may ask the advice of the Assessor to be shared with Core Participants.


Application process

The process to apply to be an Independent Assessors closed at 11.59pm on 30 July 2024. Outcomes will be communicated to applicants in due course.

As part of the application process, applicants were requested to set out their relevant experiences, as well as any conflicts of interest. Please note that current or previous links to any of the NHS Trusts or Independent Sector providers of care in scope of the Inquiry’s Terms of Reference would be a disqualifying factor. Any connection to national bodies which have influence on or decision-making powers related to mental health, must be stated, but may not be considered as a disqualifying factor.

Applications will be reviewed by the Inquiry team. Depending on the number of applications, those who meet the essential criteria below, and are considered to be appropriate for the role, may be asked to have an initial discussion with the Inquiry Secretary and/or Chair. Following this the Chair will make a final decision on who is most suited to fulfil the roles and support her to deliver against the Terms of Reference.



The hours Assessors will be needed to support the Inquiry will vary. As an estimate Assessors should initially be available for a minimum of 2 days per month, which will increase for specific periods of the Inquiry. We estimate a start date of Autumn 2024, and likely for a period of approximately three years.

The roles are likely to be hybrid in nature. Meetings with the Chair (and some with the Inquiry team) may be required in person in our London office. However, desk-based work and some meetings could be done remotely depending on the preferences of successful candidates.



Payment for the role will be £500 per day inclusive of VAT (or pro-rata for partial days) plus reasonable travel expenses.

The successful candidates will not become an employee of the Department or a member of the Civil Service.

Successful candidates will not be subject to the provisions of employment law and the position does not attract any benefits under any Civil Service Pension Scheme.

Successful candidates will also not be eligible for redundancy pay as they are not Department of Health and Social Care employees. No other arrangements have been made for compensation upon termination because an office holder who is appointed for a limited duration would have no expectation of serving beyond that period.



Criteria for appointment

The below sets out the essential and desired criteria for the Independent Assessor roles.

Should a large volume of candidates who meet the criteria set out below apply, the Chair will place priority on those whose experience most directly demonstrates the priority
criteria set out below to come to her final decision.


  • Significant front line clinical experience (equating to approximately 10 years or more)
    working directly with NHS mental health inpatients. (Priority criteria)
  • Demonstrable understanding of mental health inpatient standards and what is required to deliver safe, therapeutic and effective care. (Priority criteria)
  • Proven understanding of the different roles that other clinical professionals play to support the recovery of mental health inpatients.   
  • Proven knowledge of the wider mental health system, the organisations involved and how they contribute to the care of mental health inpatients.   
  • Successful applicants must act with Independence and without any bias. The views and expertise they provide to the Inquiry must be based only on their expert knowledge and experience.
  • Successful applicants must have flexible availability to be able to properly support the needs of the Inquiry and the Inquiry Chair.


  • Experience working with mental health patients in the community immediately prior to and following discharge from inpatient settings.
  • Previous experience supporting or working on an inquiry, independent investigation, review or similar undertaking.
  • In depth knowledge of the Mental Health Act.
  • Personal experience of mental health inpatient care, either as a patient or family member or carer.


You can download a copy of the role and application process information by clicking below

Lampard Inquiry Indepdendent Assessors Application Information