

Please note we receive a high volume of communication. We take every query seriously, but there may be some that we may not respond to, such as general observations or those that fall outside the remit of the Inquiry.

The Inquiry team can currently be contacted via:

          Telephone* (voicemail): 0207 972 3500

Alternatively, you can also write to the Inquiry team. Our address is:

          The Lampard Inquiry
          PO Box 78136
          SW1P 9WW

* Please be aware that the Inquiry operates a voicemail system. If telephone is your preferred method of communication, please leave a voicemail or email and an Inquiry team member will be in touch to schedule a call. 

Please note that the Inquiry is unable to intervene or make clinical decisions on behalf of EPUT or any other Trust.

You may wish to consider the Inquiry’s safeguarding statement when choosing to share information with the Inquiry. You can read this here.

You can also find further information on the Inquiry’s Privacy Information Notice.

Press Enquiries

For all press enquiries, please email or call 07900 992481.


You can follow us on Twitter for updates at @LampardInquiry


You can also visit our YouTube channel.