
Protocol on Witness Expenses

The Inquiry wishes to ensure that those who are asked to provide evidence or engage with the Inquiry are able to do so. Under section 40 of the Inquiries Act 2005, the Chair can make awards in respect of any expenses which a person may properly and reasonably incur. This may be in connection with […]

Protocol on Legal Costs

This Protocol relates to: applications made under section 40 of the Inquiries Act 2005 (the Inquiries Act) for an award in respect of the costs of legal representation; and following a decision to make an award, how legal expenses will be assessed and paid by the Inquiry. Issues relating to Core Participant status and the […]

Protocol on Restriction Orders

Protocol on Restriction Orders, Redaction, Anonymity and Special Measures The Inquiry aims to conduct its work as fairly, transparently and openly as possible. However, it recognises that there may be instances where certain information ought to be excluded from disclosure to Core Participants or to the wider public in order to protect against particular risks, […]