- The Inquiry wishes to ensure that those who are asked to provide evidence or engage with the Inquiry are able to do so.
- Under section 40 of the Inquiries Act 2005, the Chair can make awards in respect of any expenses which a person may properly and reasonably incur. This may be in connection with attending the Inquiry, providing evidence, or otherwise having sufficient interest in the outcome of the Inquiry to justify an award. Witness expenses are separate to claims for legal costs, which are otherwise dealt with in the Inquiry’s Protocol on Legal Costs, accessible here.
- The Inquiry’s approach to the making of witness expense awards, and its application of this Protocol, will be in accordance with the provisions of the Inquiry Rules 2006.
- The Inquiry will consider the individual circumstances of witnesses and the reasonableness of any sums claimed for travel (including travelling distance), subsistence, childcare and, exceptionally, any other expenses that are necessary and proportionate.
- Anyone who wishes to claim for expenses should fill in the expenses form, published along with this Protocol, and provide a completed copy to the Inquiry. For all expenses, receipts must be provided when the expenses form is submitted, otherwise the claim cannot be processed.
- Witnesses may claim reimbursement of the following (through the provision of receipts to the Inquiry team) at the rates as set out below:
a. Travel (for witnesses and necessary companions):
i. Standard class travel expenses on public transport;
ii. Petrol costs for travelling by car (at a rate of 45p per mile) and by motorcycle (at a rate of 24p per mile);
iii. Taxi costs will be permitted if there is no reasonable alternative public transport or if one of the circumstances as set out below applies. Generally, taxi costs will only be recoverable for local journeys up to 5 miles (3 miles within London), and with a receipt. For any journeys which are longer than 5 miles (or 3 miles within London), please contact the Inquiry beforehand to check whether you would be able to claim reimbursement.
Circumstances where taxi costs could be provided by the Inquiry may include:
- Where this is the only form of transport available;
- If a witness is registered disabled or has mobility issues; or
- If a witness is vulnerable or has particular concern about travelling by public transport.
b. Accommodation: Witnesses may claim for the cost of accommodation, if this is required in order for them to attend a meeting with the Inquiry or an Inquiry hearing. Witnesses are entitled to claim up to:
- £160 a night for accommodation in London
- £85 a night for accommodation elsewhere
c. Subsistence: when attending a hearing or meeting with the Inquiry, witnesses (and their companions) are entitled to claim up to £10.00 for a meal with a receipt. Claims for alcohol are not permitted.
d. Childcare: witnesses may claim for the reasonable cost of childcare required to allow them to attend a meeting with the Inquiry or an Inquiry hearing, if not covered by any employer childcare scheme. Prior written agreement must be obtained from the Inquiry.
e. Other costs: witnesses who may incur expenses not covered by this guidance as a result of their need to attend a meeting with the Inquiry or an Inquiry hearing should contact the Inquiry prior to incurring the expense to discuss whether a claim can be made.
7. The expenses of substantial bodies will not generally be met by the Inquiry, or those individuals or organisations who could reasonably expect their witness expenses to be met by such bodies.
8. All claims for expenses, together with copies of receipts, should be sent via email to Contact@LampardInquiry.org.uk, or by post – The Lampard Inquiry, PO Box 78136, London, SW1P 9WW.
9. To discuss further possible claims, or any difficulties with this process, please contact the Inquiry team by phone on 020 7972 3500, by email at Contact@LampardInquiry.org.uk or by post – The Lampard Inquiry, PO Box 78136, London, SW1P 9WW.
10. If this Protocol requires amendment during the course of the Inquiry, an updated version will be published on the Inquiry’s website at the earliest opportunity. Any amendments will be subject to the review and approval of the Chair.
You can download a copy of this Protocol Protocol on Witness Expenses.
Updated March 2025
You can download a copy of the Witness Expenses Application Form here:
Witness Expenses Application Form