
Protocol on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

  1. The Lampard Inquiry is committed to promoting equality of opportunity and embraces diversity. It recognises and values people’s differences, and takes a zero-tolerance approach to bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination.
  2. This Protocol applies to the Inquiry and its team members. However, the Inquiry expects those who engage with it to follow the principles which are set out within this document.
  3. Everyone engaging with the Inquiry must be treated, and must treat others, with courtesy and respect.
  1. This Protocol is designed to ensure that the Inquiry complies with its obligations under equality legislation and demonstrates its commitment to treating people fairly and in an equitable way.
  2. The Inquiry will take positive action to combat all types of unfair discrimination. It will also endeavour to be accessible to all.
  3. The Inquiry is opposed to any form of discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation (defined as “Protected Characteristics”).
  4. A disability may include physical or mental health issues which have a significant, adverse and long-term effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
  5. Using fair and objective employment practices, the Inquiry aims to ensure that all Inquiry team members, and potential Inquiry team members, are treated fairly during their employment (including recruitment and selection, promotion and training).
  6. The Inquiry also aims to ensure that those engaging with it are free from harassment, bullying, victimisation, and any other form of unwanted behaviour.
  1. As an organisation, the Inquiry values the variety of different views, outlooks and approaches that a diverse workforce brings.
  2. The Inquiry will encourage equality and diversity and, in all aspects of its work, is committed to being:
    1. Accessible;
    2. Inclusive;
    3. Responsive; and
    4. Fair.
  3. The Inquiry will do all it can to ensure no one will receive less favourable treatment or will be disadvantaged by requirements or conditions which cannot be shown to be justifiable.
  4. Relevant training will be provided to employees to achieve this.
  5. All complaints of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination will be taken seriously. The Inquiry has a Protocol on Complaints and a Protocol regarding Internal Concerns to address any issues which are raised.
  1. The Inquiry will strive to be accessible by considering:
    1. The format of any material published by the Inquiry. This includes using appropriate and accessible language / fonts / size, and whether information should be available in alternative formats, for example as easy reads or in other languages.
    2. The ways through which published material is shared with those engaging with the Inquiry and the wider public.
    3. The accessibility of locations used by the Inquiry.
    4. The accessibility of Inquiry hearings.
    5. The particular needs of those engaging with the Inquiry.
  2. Responsibilities
    1. Inquiry team members have a duty to act in accordance with this Protocol, to ensure it is followed, and to draw attention to any suspected discriminatory acts or practices, unfair treatment, harassment or victimisation.
    2. The responsibility for promoting awareness of this Protocol rests with the Chair of the Inquiry. The responsibility for monitoring that it is being followed rests with the Secretary and the Solicitor to the Inquiry.
    3. This Protocol will be reviewed once every year by the Secretary and the Solicitor to the Inquiry to ensure that it remains up to date and reflects the needs and practices of the Inquiry. It may also be reviewed if legislation changes suggest that policy or practice should be altered. Any amendments will be subject to the review and approval of the Chair.

You can download a copy of this Protocol here.

Updated April 2024