Please tell us your job title(s)*, For example: Charge Nurse, Consultant Psychiatrist, Occupational Therapist, Cleaner, Care Worker, Volunteer Advocate, Psychologist, Therapist, Social Worker, Peer Worker, Catering Staff, Cleaner, Porter.
Please tell us about your responsibilities in this / these roles*
What Trust(s) do/did you work for or in?* Please include the dates you worked for each trust
Are you or have you been employed as bank staff and/or agency?* If yes, please include the name of the agency or contracted organisation
Have you ever worked in a mental health inpatient unit?* If yes, please tell us the name(s) of the unit(s) and ward(s). Please also include the dates that you worked in each of these units.
What patient group(s) do/did you work with?* For example: CAMHS, older adults, personality disorder patients
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about the jobs you’ve done in the mental health services?
Do you feel that you have received the training and support you need for the work that you do?
Is there any additional training or support that would have benefitted you in your role or previous role(s)?
Do you feel that colleagues around you always have the training and support they need to carry out their roles appropriately?
In your role are you (or were you) consistently able to provide safe, high-quality, and evidence-based care and treatment for patients?
Is there anything that prevents you from providing such care?
Please describe any examples of where you’ve provided or witnessed excellent care and / or treatment being given to mental health inpatients
Please describe any example of where you’ve provided or witnessed poor quality care and / or treatment being given to mental health inpatients
Please describe any situation you’ve witnessed that has had either a positive or negative impact on patient or staff safety.
We would be particularly interested to hear whether you felt you had the knowledge and support to respond and whether you were sufficiently supported during and after the event.
Have you ever looked after a patient who has died? Please tell us about what happened and any support you received after the event, including any inquest process?
In your experience, to what extent are patients and families involved in patients’ treatment and care?
Is there anything that prevents meaningful involvement of patients and families in patients’ treatment and care?
Email address
Phone number
How should the Inquiry contact you?
When is it best to contact you (e.g. evenings only) and is it ok to leave you a voicemail?
Please note, you are welcome to provide your evidence anonymously. However, the Inquiry team may wish to follow up on aspects of your evidence or hear more about your experiences and recommendations. We’d be very grateful if you’d provide your contact details.
Please leave this field empty.