
Update from the Chair on the Terms of Reference

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Baroness Kate Lampard CBE, Chair of the Inquiry, has published the below update on the Terms of Reference.

As Chair of the Inquiry, I ran a public consultation on the Inquiry’s Terms of Reference between 1 – 28 November 2023. Following a thorough review of all consultation responses, I sent my proposed Terms of Reference to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care in mid-December 2023.

On 27 February 2024, I wrote to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care requesting an update on the Terms of Reference. The Inquiry is currently awaiting a response to this letter.

In the meantime, Ministers provided a short update to Parliament on 6 March 2024. You can read the full update here.

In the absence of the Terms of Reference, I am unable to begin the substantive work of the Inquiry. I acknowledge the seriousness of the issues which lie at the heart of this Inquiry and recognise the suffering and loss which many have endured. I am committed to delivering a thorough report quickly and effectively.

I am disappointed that I have not received the final Terms of Reference and have therefore been unable to start the Inquiry process.

I look forward to receiving a response from the Secretary of State soon.

Baroness Kate Lampard CBE, Chair of the Lampard Inquiry

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