
Update on the Inquiry’s work

On 17 April 2023, the Inquiry’s Chair, Dr Geraldine Strathdee, met with the Health Secretary, the Rt Hon Steve Barclay, and Minister Neil O’Brien, to provide an update on the work of the Inquiry. The meeting was constructive and Mr Barclay and Mr O’Brien took the matter very seriously. Dr Strathdee confirmed that due a number of factors her view remains, that the Inquiry cannot meet its terms of reference with a non-statutory status.

The government is currently in a pre-election period of sensitivity, until the end of local elections on 4 May 2023.  During this time the government and ministers must exercise caution in making announcements that might have an effect on the result of an election. Unfortunately, this means that the government are not able to make any announcements regarding the work of the Inquiry until the end of this period. More information on this period can be found here: Pre-election period of sensitivity – House of Commons Library (

We will update our witnesses as soon as we have any further information. The Inquiry will also publish any further updates on this page.

Frequently asked questions on the Inquiry’s status can be found here.

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